Sunday, August 28, 2016

Flecks of Gold

I got the title of this post from the Mormon Message Flecks of Gold. It's usually the small and simple things that slowly build our testimony. We don't need to be looking for grand experiences. It's the small day to day assurances that will make the biggest difference in our lives.

I made a comment to one of my friends a month or two ago. I said that a lot of people are afraid to pray for patience or humility, but not me. In a way, I find being patient or humble somewhat passive. Well, at least patience can be. I'm good at being passive. Sure it still takes work, but the growth that comes from praying for things like that it super worth it. God won't give us more than we can handle, but He will give us things to stress about. That's where the growth comes.

I said that what I'm afraid of is asking for diligence. Diligence requires action and when I'm stressed I tend to not want to confront the things that stress me out.

I'm reminded of a time in elementary school when I was stressed about an assignment and I didn't think that I could get it done in time. My mother told me to not worry whether or not I could complete it, but to do what I could. That calmed me down enough to start working. I was surprised when I completed the assignment within a few hour's time. I've thought of this experience at times during college and it has been a blessing to me. Thank you, Mom.

Anyway, during the summer I've had a little more time on my hands than normal. So I decided to pray for diligence. I can't recall being given any trial where I needed diligence to overcome it. But I do feel like I've been given motivation. I believe that it is this motivation that has somehow brought me to the creation of this blog.

Junior High
In my Uncle Gary's class, we were talking about laws. I remember there was one that was about raising the minimum wage. I don't know why at the time, but I just felt like raising minimum wage wasn't a good idea. In class, Uncle Gary had us defend a side to a bunch of different propositions. I was the only one who defended that side. After I gave my side of the argument, my uncle Gary asked if anyone was going to add to what I had to say. For a moment I felt alone, but then Nick T. raised his hand. He said he didn't have anything to add, but he really liked what I said. That made me feel good.

21 August 2016, Sunday
I figured out a name for my blog. I feel like the name is good. Currant bushes aren't really common, at least I didn't really know what they were until I looked it up today. This lets me build it up as a deeper symbol beyond what is mentioned in the Mormon Message.

I'm happy that I was able to set up the blog in the first place because I've never tried doing this before. Eric was able to help me with a couple things.

22 August 2016, Monday
I went swimming today for family home evening, and I remembered a funny story from when I was younger. I was probably around 10 years old. I was at the indoor swimming pool in Fallon. Back then they still had the high dive. One kid dared me to do a belly flop off it. I was thinking, "Why not?" I think I partly wanted to do it because the other kid thought I wouldn't. So it'd be a little funny, I guess. Anyway, I did the belly flop. I had a stomach ache for a hour or so after that... I don't think I ever regretted it.
This was just a funny story I remembered and it put a smile on my face today.

23 August 2016, Tuesday
In Rexburg, there is a shuttle that goes around campus and to Walmart for free. So today, I went to Walmart using the shuttle to buy somethings for sushi. I'm going to try to make sushi for my first time, but hopefully by the time I post this there is already a post of when I made it. Well, when I was at Walmart I saw Nathan N. He's getting married this Saturday by the way. He was kind enough to give me a ride home, so I wouldn't have to wait for the Walmart Shuttle to make its round. He was my roommate winter semester. Now, he's my neighbor in apartment 1... but he won't be next week.

I played pool with Karl N. He's Nathan's cousin and was also my roommate during the winter. Karl is always willing to play pool with me. I was exhausted earlier today and after a nap I asked Karl if he wanted to play. I've played a lot of pool this last semester and sometimes when I play Karl just shows up and plays with me and whoever else I may be playing with. I like Karl. He's cool.

24 August 2016, Wednesday
I saw a man that looked a lot like Jim Wall. President Wall was my first mission president. I really enjoyed having him as my mission president. He's very wise and kind. Everyone knew that he loved every missionary. He's a friend to all. He is an example. He's Christ-like. I miss him.

25 August 2016, Thursday
Eric and I were able to spend some time together and make sushi. Even though we're rooming together we don't spend a lot of time hanging out. I really enjoyed it. Also, it'll only cost me about $3 to make a second batch of sushi due to the left over ingredients.

26 August 2016, Friday
I was working on homework today and I did a similar assignment yesterday. This time, however, somehow I was able to get the assignment done about three times as fast... I guess I was distracting myself yesterday, but I'm just so happy that today's assignment didn't take as long. I guess when one multitasks it tends to be doing two things inefficiently. It would be faster and better for both tasks if one does them one at a time.

27 August 2016, Saturday
Most of yesterday I was weak and exhausted. Thinking of Doctrine and Covenants 88:124, I decided to try to get to bed earlier. The scripture reads, "... retire to thy bed early, that ye may not be weary..." Recently I've been getting to bed pretty late, but I got to bed a lot earlier last night. I would like to say that scripture is true. I felt a lot better today, which was really good because I was able to get my homework done in time to go to Nathan and Rachel's wedding reception.

I also had peas yesterday to try to help. I haven't had a lot of vegetables recently either. But I do feel a lot better today. I need to try harder to get to bed at a better time.

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