Sunday, September 4, 2016

Visiting Provo

Henry is trying to get into Eric's suitcase

28 August 2016, Sunday
Yesterday, I thought about how I hadn't seen The Best Two Years in a long time and that I wanted to see it. I don't really like to watch movies by myself because then I feel like I'm just wasting my time rather than having some sort of social interaction. I was invited over to have curray and someone suggested that we watch it. It was awesome. There were a couple people there that had never seen it before, and it was fun to watch it with them and to see how much they enjoyed it.

29 August 2016, Monday
I made a list of things that I wanted to get done today. I'm happy that I was able to get it all done. The list was to read the scriptures, buy some more seaweed on Amazon, practice the piano, apply to Subway, and make more sushi. I also got some homework done and I went to Family Home Evening.

30 August 2016, Tuesday
I saw a good friend of mine today, Zac M. I didn't know he was up here for the summer. I feel like any time I see him it's a tender mercy. He's awesome. He said we should hang out sometime. So I'll probably text him later and set it up. He always seems so happy to see me and it makes me feel good.

31 August 2016, Wednesday
I was able to talk with Andrew today to set up when Eric and I will go visit him. I set up a couple of rides on the ride board, yet one of them still needs to accept my ride request. After an hour or so of talking with Andrew, I got a phone call from Henry. He's 16 month old now I heard him cooing for a few seconds then he hung up. I called him back a few minutes later and I guess he answered the phone because I got to hear him for another minute before he hung up again. It was super cute. I love Henry... It's probably not a good idea to let him play with the phone. Who knows who he'll call?

1 September 2016, Thursday
I was able to spend most the entire day working on homework. I got basically all of it done that's due Saturday night. Now, when Eric and I visit Andrew, Heather, and Henry I don't need to stress about it. All I have left for the semester for World Foundations 101 is an essay about Dante's Divine Comedy and a test. I'm only worried about the essay.
Today was a very good day. I felt very productive with my time. I definitely strengthened my diligence today.

2 September 2016, Friday
I'm happy that I was able to secure a ride to Provo for this weekend. Yesterday, I had tried to get one on zimride, but the person never contacted me back. Thankfully this new person got back to me within minutes and I didn't have to stress about it.

3 September 2016, Saturday
Eric and I went down to Provo and We've been having fun with Andrew, Heather, and Henry. It was a blast to see them again and play board games. I learned how to play Istanbul and Elysium. Both were really fun. We also played a game Andrew had made maybe a decade ago called Interstellar Pig. It was a lot of fun.

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